- 44 sessions, 2 hours per session
- 100 additional hours of learning
- Live support from IE&Co expert teachers and coaches
Class size
- Ideal class size
- No more than 16
Learning mode
- Onsite classroom
- Online classroom
Course journey
Learn vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation
Maximise speaking, writing, reading and listening opportunities
Join in career path workshops
All our teachers are experts in IELTS
Native teachers are dedicated to help
Prepare yourself for a global world with academic English
The best way of learning is to learn the way you learn
Work and collaborate with teachers and fellow students with Micro-active Learning: Start small, Reflect, Analyse, Collaborate, Create
- Pre-Elementary
- EnglishScore 200-250
- IELTS 3.5-4.5
- EnglishScore 300-350
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